Since the creation of Trustzones and Trusted Execution Environments, Trustonic has been a leader in the cybersecurity market. Driven by our focus and commitment to continually deliver state of the art protection and to add value to the eco-system. We strive to provide scrupulous levels of security and protection to a broad range of devices, through our Trusted Execution Environment (TEE). This was exemplified when Trustonic became the first vendor to achieve Common Criteria security certification for a TEE security product.
It is this unrelenting dedication, that has led to us being a leading provider of automotive cybersecurity with the ability to provide support for key and certificate management, high-performance cryptography, high-definition DRM solutions, including widevine level one, and much more. This is complemented by our dedicated internal roadmap of development, committed support and certification.
In addition to this, we annually subject our latest TEE release to independent third party testing and common criteria certification in order to provide our clients with the most robust cybersecurity solutions. This level of certification is an important consideration for cybersecurity, and it is imperative to understand the different EAL levels, protection profiles and security targets and the related benefits these deliver for different use case requirements.
The importance of TEE certification
There may be instances where TEEs are described as having a specific EAL level of certification, but this can often be misleading as the certification is limited to specific areas within the TEE that are less vulnerable to attack and may not cover the entire TEE leading to a lower level of protection being provided than expected.
When utilising Trustonic’s TEE, Kinibi, you can be assured of the most advanced levels of state-of the-art protection. This is because we always certify the complete TEE solution on an annual basis, including all new releases of Kinibi, meaning that our customers can be assured that they have the most advanced levels of protection available. This is why Kinibi has become a core and essential part of so many companies cyber security architecture, including Android handsets vendors, IoT device providers and a growing number of automotive companies.
Furthermore, we are currently working towards EAL 5+ certification for Kinibi 510 to ensure that we are providing the market with the most advanced certification and protection levels. It is this determination to provide the most advanced and secure TEE that complies with industry standards that has led to greater awareness and adoption of its capabilities for an ever increasing range of applications.
If you would like to learn more about EAL levels, then our dedicated White Paper regarding security certification considerations explains the different levels in detail.
How Trustonic helps Tier 1 suppliers add value
Trustonic builds relationships with Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) directly, which leads to more in-depth levels of insight and understanding in relation to their cybersecurity needs and requirements.
It is this level of knowledge that we are then able to convey to Tier 1s to assist in the development of the bid responses and related OEM workshops. By working closely in partnership with Tier 1’s, we are able to provide with in-depth domain knowledge and support to sure that their proposals are aligned to the needs of the customer, guiding our partners through the development process. This approach also enables us to highlight where they can differentiate their offerings and add value through the use of trusted applications to support new OEMs use cases and connected vehicle services.
We support Tier 1s throughout the bid process, ensuring that they fully understand why OEMs are seeking particular features and requirements. This insight helps with differentiation and with the identification of areas where value can be added to offer enhanced levels of professional services.
Support for Tiers 1s that want a common TEE on their platforms
Trustonic is well placed to support Tier 1s that wish to implement a common TEE on a range of different silicon platforms. For OEMs, there is a substantial risk when it comes to adding new software to vehicle, given the very high reliability and stability rules in the automotive industry. By using a common TEE across multiple platforms, they can build Trusted Applications or Cybersecurity management solutions – these can be easily deployed from one chipset to the next. It also provides the comfort level that they are re-using already commercially hardened solutions, which reduces risks when added into their vehicles.
Providing support for interoperability
Providing higher levels of interoperability and focusing on the needs of customer and OEMs is a key focus for Trustonic. Hence our strategy is to have a presence on as many Silicon platforms as possible. In addition, we are not constrained to only developing TAs for our platform. Our focus is on the needs of the industry as a whole, and we, therefore, can develop TAs for other TEEs to support an OEMs desire for commonality.
Our approach means that we are perfectly placed to meet the needs of OEMS in both the short and long-term by providing meticulous, high levels of consistent protection across all vehicles.
The primary choice for OEMS
An ever-increasing number of OEMs now fully recognise the value of software to their long-term business models and seek to have full control over their destiny. Cybersecurity will play a key role in ensuring that OEMs can provide assurances to their customers about the safety and protection provided around their digital platforms and services.
This is why we ensure that we are immersed in the needs of OEMs on an individual basis and gain a comprehensive understanding of their operational model. We provide services of the highest quality through sharing our insight into the industry and the long term cybersecurity needs of modern vehicles.
In addition to this, we have developed business models and licensing solutions that provide a seamless way of working with us. We provide a simple and accessible approach for companies, across the value chain, to utilise our TEE and start developing with it to understand how it can meet their requirements.
If you would like to better understand how your business can utilise our unrivalled expertise, or if you would like to gain greater insight into our TEE, please get in touch below with our team of experts.