Hardware-backed TEE technology plays a fundamental role in enabling secure mobile solutions in the financial ecosystem. Thanks to hardware-backed TEE technology, like Trustonic’s TEE, apps are protected even if an attacker obtains root privileges on the mobile device. This enables solution providers and smartphone vendors to effectively secure key features such as PIN entry, Biometric authentication and financial transactions in both the payment and acceptance domain.
Riscure actively supports SoC and TEE vendors to achieve the highest levels of security and compliance with requirements from the payment industry. The acquired EMVCo certification helps Trustonic to showcase the security of its TEE OS and gives OEMs and mobile payment providers confidence in the security robustness of the solution. Riscure with its team of highly specialized and committed security experts guides partners to enable support for technologies such as TEE, cloud tokenization, tokenized payments, secure PIN entry for mPOS solutions, and biometric CDCVM on COTS mobile devices.